5 Mistakes to Avoid While Buying Health Insurance
1. Unknowingly Opting for Insufficient Which one |
Coverage The cost of your premium is the |
determines, at least in part, best Health |
the amount of coverage you Insurance 10 |
can get from your plan. benefits of |
However, for many people, the Health Insurance |
cost of the premium becomes Why is |
the foundation of their decision Health Insurance |
on which policy is worth Important in |
buying. While this is solely USA Health |
your decision, ensure that your Insurance pdf |
policy provides adequate coverage. One Which Insurance |
way to know what classifies is best |
as adequate coverage is to Life or |
compare plans across insurance providers Health Example |
to see what is covered of Health |
by most and look for Insurance Health |
outliers. In short, the cost Insurance meaning |
of premiums may be an and types |
important factor in determining the Health Insurance |
Health Insurance policy for you, scheme who |
but it shouldn't be the needs Health |
only factor. Otherwise, your insurance Insurance what |
may fail you during your does Health |
hour of need. 2. Not Considering Insurance covered |
Add-Ons Experts normally recommend getting a Which one |
comprehensive policy that goes beyond is the |
basic coverage. The justification for best Health |
sticking to basic healthcare coverage Insurance 10 |
is that it is budget-friendly. benefits of |
However, adding something like a Health Insurance |
critical illness rider or personal Why is |
accident rider in addition to Health Insurance |
one’s basic insurance plan can Important in |
make a world’s difference. The USA Health |
comprehensive Health Insurance cover makes Insurance pdf |
a policy complete and likely Which Insurance |
to help during an unforeseen is best |
accident. Instead of adding a Life or |
rider, you can always choose Health Example |
a comprehensive policy that covers of Health |
cashless hospitalisations, ambulance charges, domiciliary Insurance Health |
hospitalisation and more. 3. Skipping the Insurance meaning |
Fine Print The terms and conditions and types |
of a Health Insurance policy Health Insurance |
offer all the transparency regarding scheme who |
when it is applicable, and needs Health |
more importantly, when it is Insurance what |
not. By skipping the fine does Health |
print, you are potentially overlooking Insurance covered |
important information that could help Which one |
determine if your policy is is the |
worth buying. While knowing the best Health |
healthcare coverage of a policy Insurance 10 |
is crucial, understanding its exclusions benefits of |
is equally important. In case Health Insurance |
you missed out on reading Why is |
the fine print of your Health Insurance |
policy, you can always avail Important in |
of the benefit of the USA Health |
free-look period, which is available Insurance pdf |
for 15 days after buying Which Insurance |
the policy. This is the is best |
time you can use to Life or |
carefully consider all the information Health Example |
in the fine print that of Health |
could turn out to be Insurance Health |
significant. 4. Overlooking Other Insurance Providers Most Insurance meaning |
policyholders find it difficult to and types |
get insurance with a different Health Insurance |
provider, if they have already scheme who |
committed to one provider for needs Health |
a prior or different financial Insurance what |
instrument. The inconvenience of setting does Health |
up an account, and learning Insurance covered |
the ins and outs of Which one |
the new provider is probably is the |
worth the extra money you best Health |
could save on the same Insurance 10 |
policy offered by them at benefits of |
a lower cost. Money matters Health Insurance |
in this situation wherein two Why is |
exact policies from different insurance Health Insurance |
providers differ in the cost Important in |
of premiums. However, by giving USA Health |
in to the need for Insurance pdf |
convenience you may be paying Which Insurance |
a lot more for the is best |
same healthcare coverage. Hence, definitely Life or |
compare policies and their fine Health Example |
print across insurance providers. 5. Concealing of Health |
Medical History This error is often Insurance Health |
a result of assumptions regarding Insurance meaning |
how much insurance providers are and types |
supposed to know about you. Health Insurance |
It's true that insurance providers scheme who |
will ask for your personal needs Health |
details including your medical history, Insurance what |
but concealing your medical history does Health |
from a Health Insurance provider Insurance covered |
will probably do more harm Which one |
than good for you. It is the |
is impossible to buy a best Health |
Health Insurance policy if you Insurance 10 |
give misleading or unclear medical benefits of |
information. This information is necessary Health Insurance |
for two reasons. The first Why is |
is during claim settlement to Health Insurance |
assess why an insurer should Important in |
cover your costs. The second USA Health |
reason is during your application Insurance pdf |
process so the insurer can Which Insurance |
get an idea about how is best |
likely they are to help Life or |
you out if you need Health Example |
them to cover your costs of Health |
under the healthcare coverage. Conclusion Heart disease Insurance Health |
and cancer are among the Insurance meaning |
lethal illnesses that seem to and types |
be growing across the country. Health Insurance |
To treat both of these scheme who |
ailments, major expenditure is necessary, needs Health |
whether it be for surgery Insurance what |
or chemotherapy. Luckily you can does Health |
get Health Insurance to cover Insurance covered |
you for these exact issues. Which one |
ICICI Bank’s Heart and Cancer is the |
Insurance Plan is perfect for best Health |
those at risk of these Insurance 10 |
illnesses as it provides comprehensive benefits of |
coverage of Rs 20 lakh, Health Insurance |
at less than Rs 99 Why is |
per month.